What To Consider When Preparing For San Antonio Half Marathon

By Susan Cox

Making it to a finish line during a race depends on your strength and accumulated training. This is because running is a muscle intensive activity and therefore the body needs to be prepared well. One of the ways of getting accustomed to running is by carrying out frequent physical exercises. Consider the following tips as you prepare to participate in San Antonio half marathon.

You can start off by building a weakly mileage base of about fifteen to twenty miles. Most new runners assume that early training will automatically enable them to cross the finish line. What they need to understand is that training for a race requires commitment and consistency. Start training yourself on how to cover at least five miles every day.

Increase the mileage slowly as each week passes. The more mileage you cover during training, the more your body adapts to running long races. Choose a training plan of about fourteen weeks. If it is your first time to participate in a half marathon, choose a longer plan for your body to adapt well to the training.

Training plans vary in length as well as content. The length is based on how frequent you run every week. Choose plans that match your fitness level and availability. For example, if the plan requires you to run every day and you have other commitments, choose a different one. Running several miles every week is good for training but it can also increase chances of injury.

There are numerous ways of increasing the running pace during training. You can carry out warm up workouts such as press ups to stimulate and prepare your muscles before you start running. When running, you can increase your speed slowly for this enables you to inhale oxygen needed by the body to generate energy.

There are several cross training approaches you can adopt that do not involve running. These include bicycle riding and swimming. These approaches can be used to change your body form while acting as physical fitness exercises. Your stability when running depends on how your legs and backbone are aligned. These alternative approaches can enable your muscle system to gain the stability needed for you to participate in half marathon races.

Train with family members or colleagues to ensure that you are committed to your routine training schedules. When you seek services of a personal trainer, this expert will ask you whether you prefer training alone or with friends. Insist on training in the presence of other people. This is because when you are a member of a group, your colleagues will be a source of motivation since they encourage you to press on with training.

Find out the type of sports drink that will be provided at the half marathon. If possible, you can consume the same drink while training. Never use an energy drink that you have never drunk in a race. Try to find out the time taken for runners to be given energy drinks. Look for the elevation map for the race that is usually listed on the race website. Use this map to pinpoint areas on the race track with hills.

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