What To Know About Single Incision Laparoscopic Surgery

By Margaret Bailey

Approaches to surgical operation are changing and evolving mostly because of major technological advancements that are being made in various fields including surgical medicine. Single incision laparoscopic surgery is often referred to using the abbreviation SILS, but it also has many other names. Among the names SILS goes by are Single-port laparoscopy, single-port access surgery (SPA), Single-access endoscopic surgery (SAES), and single-port incisionnless conventional equipment-using surgery (SPICES). Other names include natural-orifice trannsumbilical surgery (NOTUS), one-port umbilical surgery (OPUS), and laparo-endoscopic singular-site surgery (LESS).

SILS as a technique under laparoscopic surgery is still a relatively new idea with a rather short history. It falls under minimally invasive techniques of surgical operations because of its use of one incision point. In many patients, the navel serves as the entry point. Small scars are formed from the process. The small size of the scar is among the reasons for high preference of the method by patients and surgeons.

Entry points are either 11mm or 22 mm incisions. One incision is utilized to minimize scarring and pain felt during and after the process. The use of one incision is opposed to the traditional laparoscopic procedure that uses multiple entry points. There are some of the most highly qualified specialists in SILS in New York. Therefore, it is quite advisable to consider visiting the city when in search of specialists in this process.

The process makes use of specialized surgical equipment that can be classified into two major classes, that is hand and access ports instruments. There is a wide variety of access ports instruments including the GelPOINT system, SILS device, TriPort+, QuadPort+, TriPort15, and Uni-X. All these instruments are manufactured by different manufacturers.

On the contrary, hand instruments are made in three main configurations, that is, articulating, standard, and pre-bent rigid. Standard hand tools have been developed over a period of the last thirty years. Their design is rigid. Articulation hand instruments were made to solve problems in SPL reduced triangulation instrument.

Surgeons usually have to choose whether to utilize articulating or standard instruments and that decision is often influenced by a few factors. Some of the factors include, access port used, surgical skills of the surgeon, and cost. In terms of cost, articulating instruments are considerably more expensive than standard instruments. The use of specialized devices makes this surgical procedure more effective and safer.

The degree of awareness of SILS among surgeons is very high. However, the performance of SILS is limited to a few surgeons owing to its high level of complexity, limited space of access, and the use of specialized instruments. Surgical doctors who perform the procedure have to be highly skills and trained in surgical processes. That has promoted negative perception from the public and limited indulgence in the process.

A wide variety of surgeries makes use of SILS. Common examples comprise of sleeve gastrectomy, colectomy, adjustable gastric banding, appendectomy, nephrectomy, sacrocolpopexy, and hysterectomy among others. In European nations and the US, standard instruments are in wide usage when compared to specialized ones used in many other countries out of these two regions.

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